I have this personal blog since I was 20. I use it to express the unspoken romantic feelings & emotions. Bahasa simplenya, tempat ngegalau. In my 30s, I make that blog as my stress release. Sometimes you just have this emotions, and it is temporary, but you need place to just spit it out.
Yesterday, I found out that someone read those postings and make their own conclusion. Awalnya gw kesel banget, rasanya kayak ada orang tiba2 baca buku harian lo. Tapiii... Ya ga salah, kan blognya juga emang bisa dibaca semua orang. Cuma ya emang mesti kepo banget gitu lo ama gw, baru bisa dapet link blognya, secara ga pernah gw taruh di mana-mana. Hahaha. I realize, my feelings and my method to grow up and to overcome my emotions should be a personal journey. Karena ga semua harus dibagikan, ga semua orang harus tau, ga semua orang bisa mengerti juga.
I think I wrote more when things was bad and stressful. And the blog captured the lowest part of my life in my younger years and in my marriage. Gara2 kemarin, gw jadi bacain lagi blog ini. Inget masa di mana berdoa diberi guidance oleh Tuhan yang maha membolak-balikan hati manusia. Hahaha hidup itu emang ga berhenti2 ngasi kejutan. I'm glad I made it this far, and I'm glad it is maskoko.
I decided to change the blog setting into my view only. It's my personal diary :)
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